Справочник/Энциклопедия "COFFEE EXPERTS", BAZZARA, КОФЕ
на Английском+Итальянском Языке
(на русском издания не было, и уже не будет !)
Тяжелая, 1728 гр
Andrea e Marco Bazzara
само издание - 2021г. (актуальное!)
была заказана - ноябрь 2022
как НОВАЯ,
есть замечания, но именно в
- на лицевой обложке и заднике, следы от наклейки-ценника из магазина (см фото)
- на последнем листе, замят уголок справа внизу (см фото)
! стоила 99.90 евро, с пересылкой (55+44.90) !
Bazzara – это итальянский обжарщик кофе, который специализируется на кофе премиум класса с 1966 года
Новая книга от Bazzara CofeeBooks отправит вас в путешествие в мир кофе благодаря вкладу ведущих экспертов в этой области. Украшенный более чем 500 фотографиями и иллюстрациями, он позволит вам открыть для себя все характеристики кофе: от истории растения до обработки зерен; от техники обжарки до мира бариста и оборудования, которое они используют; от альтернативных методов экстракции и приготовления эспрессо до цифровых технологий с акцентом на устойчивое развитие.
One of the most anticipated editorial innovations in the coffee sector: a complete and fascinating technical-cultural journey into the world of coffee, explored from various points of view by experts in the industry
After four editions of the Trieste Coffee Experts summit and two years of intense editorial work, CoffeExperts, the new book edited by the Bazzara Bros junior, Andrea and Marco, was released. As competent guides throughout the pages of the book are numerous experts in the industry, with contributions that follow the Waves of Coffee, reaching the new technology frontiers of Industry 4.0 and a perspective view focused on sustainability, the future of the supply chain and the planet
The book, enriched with critical observations and 500 photos and illustrations, covers topics ranging from the history and characteristics of the plant to the careful selection and processing of the raw coffee bean; from roasting techniques to the effects of the drink on the body; from the sensory and aromatic field to the world of baristas and the equipment used; and again from the evolution of the coffee maker to the different extraction methods, including the ones alternative to espresso. This journey has as its compass the constant and passionate search for quality in every sector. This is definitely the fil rouge that holds together this all-round choral story, whose reading is understandable and compelling even for those who approach the complex universe of coffee for the first time.
At the same time, it is stimulating for the professional who has the opportunity to deepen and brush up on old and new themes through an updated and complete overview of the various aspects of coffee. Thanks to the practical organization of the contents, the book is an unmissable compendium where you will find an answer to many, if not all, questions that even the sector experts ask themselves every day in order to improve their work. In this volume you will meet personalities of the highest caliber. As happened for the previous publications signed by the Bazzara family, translated into different languages and reprinted several times over the years, this book has instantly been a great success thanks to the authority and high reputation that the company enjoys in the sector of specialized publishing
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