ПРОДАМ трансформаторы преобразователи (США) позволяют из переменки 0-118 вольт получать постоянку 0-1.000 -5.000Вольт. Можно плавно регулировать выходное напряжение меняя входное. преобразователи американской фирмы Plastic CAPASITORS! сфера их применения огромна: высоковольтные испытания, тестирование оборудование на пробой, медицина и эксперименты, люстры Чижевского и "сетки-убийцы" на даче для насекомых... фирма Plastic CAPASITORS (USA) есть в наличии два штуки 118VAC-1KVDC 1,5 mA 118VAC-5KVDC 2 mA информация на английском: The Unit's Information Reads: Part Number: HV50-152M Input Specifications: 118 VAC, 50-500 Hz Output Specifications: 5 kVDC, 1.5 mA Description: The HV-M Series of compact power packs are designed to operate from the most commonly used line frequencies of 50 Hz to 500 Hz. Input voltage is 118 V. Specifications: Input Voltage: 0 to rated input voltage (118 V) at 50 to 500 Hz Output Ratings: 0-5 kV, 1.5 mA Ripple: 1% RMS or 2.75% peak to peak at rated voltage. Output Voltage: Can be varied from 0 to rated voltage (5 kV) and load by means of a variable auto transformer. Two Output Terminals: Isolated from the container, permitting either terminal or both to be operated away from ground. Ambient Temperature Range: -55°C to +85°C (with limited ratings). Design Life: 40,000 hours at 35°C and 25,000 hours at 65°C at rated output. Life is 5,000 hour sat 85°C if the output current is no more than 80% of the rated current. Useful life is generally double the figure given above if an approximately 3% drop in voltage is tolerable. Mounting Position: Any Altitude: Up to 10,000 feet operating, 50,000 feet non-operating. Vibration: 10 to 55 Hz with a total of 0.06 inches for 2 hours in each plane for all power packs which have a base dimension of 3-3/4" x 4-9/16" or less. Salt Spray: per MIL-Q-151 for 50 hours. Rectifiers: Long-life, silicon type. Properly selected and used under de-rated conditions to assure long life. Filter Capacitors: Special film types, designed in particular for long life. Hermetically Sealed Container: Sealing is accomplished with seamed and soldered CP70 type container, and solder seal bushings. Oil Filled Container: Prevents coronoa. The oil is inhibited, e-gassed and filtered. Container Finish: Zinc chromate primer and light blue-gray lacquer per MIL-L-7178. Terminals: Steatite. Solder seal type with solder lug terminals. Dimensions: 3-3/4" x 2-1/4" x 3-3/8" (add 5/8" for lugs) Weight: 2 lbs.